Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Windmill question?

Could someone tell me why they would be against a wind mill?

Friday, January 25, 2008


What is your opinion on having a woman for a president.
Does America want another Clinton in the White House?


How many people watch Imus of listen to him in the morning?

What do you think?

I just called the drug store for a print out of all the prescriptions for the year for the whole family. They informed me that my wife was not allowed to pick up my print out. And you had to have photo Id to pick it up. However they will mail it to you. But my wife or even my mom can go and pick up my prescription for me. You would think that prescription drug would be more important then a piece of paper. That is a very stupid law. What do you think?

Does this make you mad!!

NY Lawmakers May Get Hefty Pay Raise!!

And you wonder why we are going in a ression.The average person is having a hard time paying for food,gas,and other bills.And they decide that they need a raise!!So probably the taxes will go up more and the average person will make less!