Sunday, February 10, 2008

911 Is suppost to help you!!

A disabled women from Doylestowe Pa called 911 to report her house was on fire.It took seven rings before 911 operator picked up the call from her.Then she was put on hold for 27 seconds.After being put on hold she soon then died.

1 comment:

Dave said...

In this situation being a volunteer firefighter myself not only in Roulette but also in Harrisburg, I have seen how under staffed dispatch centers can be. Tioga County Dispatch located in Wellsboro is the nearest facility to the Potter County area. In addition to Potter County it covers Tioga County, not only for fire and E.M.S bt also for municple police in both counties. And when their are only 2 dispatchers working with multiple calls or emergencies it can be difficult to handle eveything at once.I'm not saying its justified to put someone on hold especially in an a emergency but those are some reasons why it may have happened. Some advice I would give would be to get to know your local emergency sevices officials, such as your ambulance chief and fire cheif, find out their phone numbers as well as the number to the fire station. The community needs to become more involved with the local fire department. Not many people have dropped by the fire house to see what we do on a daily to weekly to monthly basis, not only that but wouldnt you like to know who and what manpower, tools and equipment you have at your disposal in time on an emergency. Any one who reads this I challenge you to stop by the Roulette firehall on wednesday nights at 6pm to see what kind of services you have , one of the best potter county has to offer.